LinkedIn Social Media Profile Management

February, 2022

LinkedIn Social Media Management Yancey Red

LinkedIn isn’t just for HR professions. But you know that already, that’s why you’re here. LinkedIn marketing also isn’t for every brand, but it is for every business owner.

LinkedIn is robust social media marketing that gets better every year. This article takes you through prominent social media marketing tips for your LinkedIn personal profile.

Real quick: LinkedIn Pages and LinkedIn Profiles are different. Pages are mostly used by businesses and organizations. Profiles are personal and used by individual people. This article focuses on your personal profile, not your business page.

Why use LinkedIn as a business owner
Connections are your number one reason. Millions of global users make LinkedIn the number one professional business network. If you’re a business owner, even if your business isn’t on LinkedIn, you should be.

Think how your personal LinkedIn profile can benefit your business: Recruitment, investment, visibility, B2B businesses. What else is out there for you?

Complete all profile sections
Don’t be tempted to skip any of your LinkedIn personal profile sections. If it's feeling tedious, take a break. This doesn't have to get done all at once. The more info you have in there, the easier it is for your target audience to find you. LinkedIn reports that profiles that are 100% complete get 30% more views. Do the work experience, the section about you, your profile headline. Don’t skip any of it.

Turn on Creator Mode
This is an option for folks who write posts, put together articles, and create content on LinkedIn. Creator Mode re-orders your profile sections to allow for more lead generation and conversions based on content. You will also now have the option to change your Connect button to a Follow button. Creator Mode also inspires you to strategically consider the type of content you want to publish on LinkedIn. It’s kinda like a best friend supporting you and giving you a little push. Social Media Examiner does a great job going through all the Creator Mode steps in detail right here.

Choose a Strong Profile Picture
This is where you hire a professional photographer. No selfies, no cell phone pics. This is your professional social media page and your profile picture needs to show your confidence.

The LinkedIn header image is part of your profile and is the banner for your business. Use a graphic design program like Canva to create an appropriately-sized banner that looks your talk.

Get More Social Media Support
If all of this feels a bit much, leave us a note. We’re available for one-time social media optimization tasks like optimizing your LinkedIn profile. This is a great way for business owners to get to know Yancey Red, learn a little about social media, and get something on their 2022 goal list accomplished. Keep it interesting in 2022.