Your Initial Call With A Social Media Manager

September, 2022

Working with a social media manager

Most prospective clients that we talk with don’t really know what they want from working with a social media manager or even what kind of work we as a social media marketing agency actually do. Some business owners are even reluctant to reach out because they feel like they should know exactly what they’re looking for before they talk with a social media manager. Let us put all that to rest. You don’t need to know what you don’t know.

So, in this month’s blog article we’re laying out a snippet of that initial conversation between a business owner and social media manager.
This conversation is based on a real-life Zoom call where an artist contacted us from our Google listing because she was looking for gallery representation and needed more of an online presence through social media. This initial conversation usually lasts around 45-minutes and it’s really about understanding what the business needs and both of us getting to know each other.

Yancey Red doesn’t work with every prospective client that comes through the door. We are selective around who we hire as clients because we want to make sure each business is the right fit. Just as you are shopping around for a social media manager, we are also shopping around for that right client fit.

Here is a snippet of an initial call with a prospective client.

Client Info From Contact Form:

- Abstract painter

- Doesn’t use or like or know much about social media. Doesn’t want to manage social media on own

- Looking to get out of teaching art and wants gallery representation and to sell more work online

The Type of Questions We Ask:

Tell us about what you’re looking for on social media?
We use these answers to begin to establish a client’s objectives and goals.

Do you have any social media accounts now?

We’ve already researched this, but we want to see if there are others we’ve missed or that are under a different name.

Are there social media accounts you definitely want to be on or want to avoid? 

This is an important question so we understand the client’s personal values and hesitancies. Sometimes we do recommend a platform, like TikTok, even if a client feels like it’s not the best fit. Our recommendations always come from metrics and target audience information.

How up-to-date is your website? Do you take your own photos? Do you have things on your website you want to change or update?

Such important questions here. We work with SEO experts, photographers, videographers, web and graphic designers, and professional writers to ensure your online presence is on-brand and exactly what you’re wanting to present.

In the form you filled out on our site you mentioned the galleries you would love representation from. We checked them out on social media and I can see where your art completely fits in with their work. So, we have our initial ideas of how to curate your social media, but we’d like to hear how you describe your work.

This conversation helps us begin to pull the language you use to describe your business. It’s foundational to our audit and discovery, our first step in building a strategy, to learn how your target audience hears and responds to your message.

If we are to work together, how will you define success? 

Social media success is defined differently for every business. It’s not as straightforward as one might think. Understanding how success is defined is essential before we launch any research and strategy.